
Please be very careful around the Hall and in the Park.
Be considerate of others and take only as little as you need.
Water is back on everywhere except the outdoor sink - it was damaged by the cold.
A beautiful heritage community hall located in the sweet & funky south end
of Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada.

Large banquet room with built-in stage
Back room for smaller gatherings
Cozy lounge with fireplace
Kitchen facilities
Outdoor garden area
Perfect for concerts, dances, weddings, and other special events and meetings.
Building capacity 180 persons.
Contact us:
Beaver Point Hall
1361 Beaver Point Road
Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1W9
Before calling, check our Calendar for the dates and times you are interested in.
Call 250-930-4000
Mon - Fri only between 9am & 5pm Pacific
Email us at: beaverpointhall@gmail.com
Visit us on Facebook:

The Beaver Point Community Hall Association
operates on traditional Coast Salish territory, and our organization
recognizes, honours and respects their stewardship of the territories of Salt Spring Island.